Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Proxy ARP on Windows XP

The Proxy ARP rules of Windows XP.

主机设本网段其他地址为网关------如果目的是非本网段地址,则向所设 的网关arp请求不会发生代理arp

1. If the default gateway is not set, XP will not send arp request, So Proxy ARP will not work
2. If the default gateway is in the same subnet. XP will only not send arp request, all the IP is sent to the dafault gateway MAC address. If the default gateway is not working, the other Proxy ARP will not working either.
3. If the default gateway is in different subnet, the Proxy ARP will work!
4. If the default gateway is the set the itself, the Proxy ARP will work!

In conclution, to make proxy arp work for xp, the default gateway must set and must set to itself or different subnet ip address. The best is to set the same ip for default gateway.

The test is done and proved on July 09, 2008. The workstation is windows XP, and the network is Cisco 3560 and 6509.

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